When planning your trip and looking through our lists of apartments, you have in mind the price range in which you are looking, but the rental price is displayed in the destination currency and you are not always sure how much that means and if it actually really fits your budget.

Many of you wrote to say how useful you find our descriptions and photos, yet some of you pointed out what a great help it would be to be able to read the accommodation prices in your own currency.

Apartment price in the currency of your choiceUntil quite recently you could only do that by selecting the currency from the search pages, in our Advanced Options, under Include currency (sample here)

New York Habitat recently added the currency converter in each detailed apartment description as well, so that even if you did not select your currency in the search page, you can easily display the price of the apartment you are looking at in the currency of your choice.(sample here)

Apartment price in the currency of your choicePrices displayed for each apartment are in the currency of the country where the apartment is: USD for New York, Sterling Pound for London and Euro for Paris and the South of France. The currency converter can display the shown price in US $, Aus $, Sterling £, Canadian $, Euro, FRF, ¥en, Deutsch Mark and Swiss FR.

N.B. The currency converter is based on an average of international rates from multiple known financial sites and is compiled every day; therefore it fluctuates on a continuous basis. New York Habitat is only giving this average as an indication and is not liable for any discrepancy with the official rate of any given date.