A big thank you to all our customers, visitors, and apartment owners who visit our website and have made it so popular.

New York Habitat’s steady growth continues with requests for accommodations coming from all continents. Most of our clients come from Europe, Australia, and the United States. We’re delighted to welcome more and more short term apartment renters from Southeast Asia, India, and South America. We’ve even had a client from an Artic scientific station who needed a New York apartment rental during a conference!

Each day we try to anticipate your needs with rental accommodations and we work to integrate the technologies that we believe make a difference. With this in mind, we will explain in an upcoming post the new RSS feed capabilities of our website. (a great tool for apartment search updates and last minutes decision making).

Thank you again, and stay tuned!

P.S. Have suggestions for features you’d like to see on the site? Send us an email at blog@nyhabitat.com